Crusher Matrix and Fingerboard Mounting Device | Wood Hangboard


The Matrix and Mount combo is for beginners and experts alike – with monos, duos, crimps, half-crimps, pinches, two-finger dinks, wide and narrow pull positions, as well as ergonomically designed slopers – its got everything you want from a fingerboard.

Months of research and testing went into the development of the Matrix, to make it one of the most comfortable, injury preventative, easy to use and varied boards available.

Originally conceived in 2012, this tried, tested and much-loved model, is a market-leading wooden hangboard. In excess of a thousand boards can be found in climbing gyms and homes globally!

Click here for Stevie Hastons review of the Matrix

The Holds:

Top Holds

  • 27 degree ergonomic sloper
  • Flat jugs
  • Incut jug

Four Finger Edges

  • 22mm flat, 40mm mini jug

Three Finger Edges

  • 28mm deep pinch/open hang combo

Two Finger Pockets

  • 18mm, 28mm & 40mm deep

Mono Pockets

  • 28mm

Four Finger Crimpers

  • 12mm ergonomic & 15mm straight

Central One Arm Hangers

  • 35mm open hang with optional pinch
  • 25mm open hang with optional pinch
  • 18mm crimp with optional pinch

The Crusher Matrix dimensions – 700 x 145 x 45mm

Pre-drilled for mounting

Other Features

Ergonomically angled holds to allow the wrist and fingers to be aligned straight.

Central Vertical Slots allowing thumb pinches during hangs and crimps.

Central One Arm Section gives easy body movement when located in a doorway.

Fingerboard Mounting Device

The Crusher Fingerboard Mounting Device is suitable for all fingerboard sizes and does not required any permanent fixings; it is designed to simply clamp to your door frame, and is very easy to fit and remove.

It also has attachment holes along the bottom – for bungees or other training aids, such as pulleys and the Crusher Ice Axe Training devices.

  • Comes supplied with all fixings required.
  • Made from high quality Plywood.
  • Standard Size – 850mm x 300mm
  • Extra Wide Size – 1000mm x 300mm
  • Fixing bolt length – 200mm

Please check it will fit over your door frame, the 850/1000mm size is the full width dimension of the product and should be wide enough to seat on the door architrave.

Please also check that the frame is of sound construction & the bolts are the required length – see mounting installation video link.

Please don’t hesitate in contacting me if you have any further enquiries with the mount.

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Why choose a Crusher Product?

Crusher pride ourselves on quality; each great looking product is made from the highest quality hardwood – the ideal climbing hold texture, which will last a lifetime – unlike cheaper softwood alternatives that will fur up and wear out.

Crusher fingerboards are tried, tested and proven designs, with rave reviews from the likes of Climber Magazine and Crusher devotee and design collaborator Stevie Haston!

Additional information

Mount Width

Extra Wide (1000mm), Standard (850mm)


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